Michael Marsolek talks with Joy French, Director of Missoula's Bare Bait Dance, and choreographer Rachel Oliver, whose new multi-media, multi-generational dance piece, "Settle," opens Bare Bait's fourth season.
Performances of "Settle" take place in the Open Space of the Performing Arts / Radio - T.V. Building on South 6th Street East, on the north side of the University of Montana-Missoula, August 29th - 30th and September 5th at 7:30pm, and Sept.6th at 2:00 and 7:30pm. Oliver summarizes "Settle" as "Dance, film, and great-grandmother's best china."
Rachel Oliver will teach a workshop based on her improvised and choreographed phrase-work, on Thursday, September 4th, 5:30 - 7:00pm, PARTV Room 005, UM-Missoula. This event is open to the community. (406) 214-0097 or barebaitdance@gmail.com for more information.
(Broadcast: Front Row Center, 8/31/14)