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Bare Bait Dance Presents "Settle"

Michael Marsolek talks with Joy French, Director of Missoula's Bare Bait Dance, and choreographer Rachel Oliver, whose new multi-media, multi-generational dance piece, "Settle," opens Bare Bait's fourth season.

Performances of "Settle" take place in the Open Space of the Performing Arts / Radio - T.V. Building on South 6th Street East, on the north side of the University of Montana-Missoula, August 29th - 30th and September 5th at 7:30pm,  and Sept.6th at 2:00 and 7:30pm.  Oliver summarizes "Settle" as "Dance, film, and great-grandmother's best china."

Rachel Oliver will teach a workshop based on her improvised and choreographed phrase-work, on Thursday, September 4th, 5:30 - 7:00pm, PARTV Room 005, UM-Missoula. This event is open to the community. (406) 214-0097 or for more information.

(Broadcast: Front Row Center, 8/31/14)

Beth Anne Austein has been spinning tunes on the air (The Folk Show, Dancing With Tradition, Freeforms), as well as recording, editing and mixing audio for Montana Public Radio and Montana PBS, since the Clinton Administration. She’s jockeyed faders or "fixed it in post” for The Plant Detective; Listeners Bookstall; Fieldnotes; Musicians Spotlight; The Write Question; Storycorps; Selected Shorts; Bill Raoul’s music series; orchestral and chamber concerts; lecture series; news interviews; and outside producers’ programs about topics ranging from philosophy to ticks.
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