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Eduardo Chirinos

  • by Eduardo ChirinosIn days of old, buffalo dotted the plainswith a soft, light brown.Their hooves fearlessly trampled these pastures.This was their home,…
  • Let's call it by its Algonquin name:"he strips off" or, if you will,"the sage" or "respectful one." Not a twigleft on top of another, not a single…
  • "In this city dedicated to the bear, I haven't seen a bear yet. Except in the airport lounge, where one such specimen is stuffed. Do you know the…
  • 6/3/14 & 6/4/14: This week on "Reflections West:" Missoula slam poet Linds Sanders writes about the strange presence of life in Henry, a stuffed buffalo.…
  • ...let's see what words you'll use to write the poems you write today, dreaming of Wyoming. - Miguel d'OrsThe dream will go wherever I go, luminous and…