Nationwide, at least 103,000 people died from drug overdoses in 2021, a 45% increase from 2019, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About 7 of every 10 of those deaths were from synthetic opioids, primarily fentanyl. And overdose deaths are disproportionately affecting Native Americans
A report from the Montana Healthcare Foundation found that enrollees in Montana’s Medicaid expansion program needed less emergency care after having health coverage.
Montana is now home to a public health institute. The Montana Public Health Institute is one of about 40 such institutes across the country. The nonprofit…
Last weekend, Montana saw its biggest spike yet in COVID-19 cases. YPR reports how the disease is impacting Native Americans across the state.
Montana healthcare professionals met this week to discuss how to support a person’s physical and mental health in the midst of reduced services.Aaron…
Montana received almost $4 million in federal funds for addiction recovery and treatment this week.
A new report says Montana could save money on Medicaid by providing housing and support services to homeless people.
Providence Health and Services announced Wednesday that it is expanding behavioral health services in all nine of its primary care clinics in western…
In 2017, the state Department of Public Health and Human Services reported that approximately 100 babies every year experience drug withdrawal in…
A new survey suggests Montanans who enrolled in the state’s Medicaid expansion program are healthier, less likely to put off treatment and more able to…