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  • Hi! I’m Dr. Jamison Starbuck, a naturopathic family physician with health tips for kids about: insomnia.When kids have insomnia, they and the adults…
  • Hi! I’m Dr. Jamison Starbuck, a naturopathic family physician. I’m here today with health tips for kids about pets in the bed.If you have pets – mostly…
  • by Bruce MortonThe shepherd has taken leave,a no account. Wildand wooly are the sheep,coutless to the nth power—flocking sheep, herds, hordes,at warp…
  • 06/05/2015 - Birds do it, bees do it...yet science still can't answer the basic question: why do we sleep? Every creature on the planet sleeps--from giant…
  • 03/01/2014 - Birds do it, bees do it...yet science still can't answer the basic question: why do we sleep? Every creature on the planet sleeps - from…
  • February 1st, 2014: Fragrant and medicinal, lavender can affect people's alertness and mood. Depending on the species, it can stimulate or calm, sharpen…